Bk1: Ch11: Pg16
Charlotte: So let me see if I have got this straight...
Charlotte: You are from a land called Elvia on the planet Tholla. Some time ago your planet was attacked by the hoard of demons that are now
attacking Earth. Your people fought the demons on your own world and when they appeared to be escaping to another world
your sister, Dunverys Theydrin, and you followed them to continue fighting the good fight.
Charlotte: That is how you ended up on Earth the first time.
Charlotte: You and your sister proved to be invaluable resources to the USRF in our struggle against the demon invaders, and
eventually earned the rank of Honorary Commander. Most importantly, you taught us that the creatures known as the Riggorots
where the key to the demons' ability to open portals and it was critical that we capture or kill them whenever possible.
Charlotte: After fighting with us for just over two years, you and your sister participated in a raid on a Hoard position that
intel indicated housed a Rigorrot. You encounter the creature and it attempted to escape through a portal. Your sister
and you decided to give chase. You entered the portal but your sister was captured before she could join you.
Charlotte: How am I doing so far?
Arayanna: very well.
Charlotte: So, you found yourself in a land you later learned was called Prentil. Here you encountered and befriended a man named
Heimere and a woman named Rosata. The three of you had some adventures and eventually Heimere was killed and Rosata
betrayed you. She put you into a magical stasis in order to steal your magical sword. You remained asleep in a cave
for over 100 years until you were magically awakened by Maeye here.
Charlotte: You and Maeye became fast friends and some very interesting adventures, from what I gather. You eventually met a
being that refers to himself as The Merchant. And in exchange for some favors this The Merchant agreed to help you
travel through time and space to return here so you could rescue you sister. Did I get all that right?
Arayanna: Yes. You did.
Charlotte: Well, if it wasn't for the fact that I have already met the other you just a few days ago and I have been fighting this demon
hoard for years, I would say this is all complete bullshit.
Charlotte: But, there is no denying that there is magic in our world now. And I have seen the demons come through their portals, so I
also cannot deny the existence of temporal travel. So why not through in a little time travel as well.
Charlotte: So you really did save my life with magic?
Maeye: Yup!
Charlotte: Well then ... thank you. I am truly grateful.
Charlotte: And you are not kidding about this fatigue.
Arayanna: Can I get you anything?
Charlotte: I would kill for a cup of coffee.
Arayanna: That we can do. Come on.
Charlotte: Well, I guess it is passed time that I introduce myself. I am Lieutenant Commander Charlotte Sheridan,
Special Forces. But you can call me Charlie.
Arayanna: It is very nice to meet you Charlie.
Maeye: That's a cool name.
Arayanna: Would you care to share anything about your mission?
Charlotte: I cannot, unfortunately.
Arayanna: We understand...
Maeye: Like hell we do!
Arayanna: Maeye!
Maeye: No, Aray! Don't you Maeye me.
Maeye: We went out there and risked our asses for you. I almost died saving your life! Twice!
Maeye: And we come back here, tell you everything there is to know about us and in exchange all you have for us is
Maeye: "Sorry. Top secret."
Maeye: Well I say bullshit to that, lady.
Arayanna: Charlotte, I am sorry...
Charlotte: No, Arayanna, Maeye is right.
Charlotte: It's an old habit, hiding behind my secrets.
Charlotte: Before the demon war I was CIA. That kind of training dies hard.
Charlotte: Also, we believe some of our leadership within the intelligence organization may be compromised.
Arayanna: By the demons?
Charlotte: Yes. Too many things have gone wrong for it to be coincidence or bad luck.
Charlotte: Exactly like my mission. My flight was beyond top secret. Only a few of us knew what we were doing. And still,
out of nowhere, an archdemon and a host of tenticlese show up and attack us? We were way out of normal flight routes. That
should not have happened.
Charlotte: A lot of good people died on that mission.
Arayanna: But you survived, and if we can, we will help you complete it.
Maeye: Yes. Of course we will help. I am sorry I got hotheaded there. It comes with the hair, I think.
7a. .
Charlotte: Alright. I am going to have to trust someone with this and my gut tells me you are being honest.
Charlotte: You retrieved the crate right?
Arayanna: Yes.
Charlotte: Take me to it.
Holy Recap wall of text Batman!
I know. It’s a lot. But I feel like it was necessary to get a recap out there. Afterall, it’s been 10 years since we started. 😀
Has it really been that long?
No complaints. It was a succinct recap.
After all that, it’s now lunchtime.
Time for some sweet, sweet, steamed hams.
I hate to be the corrector, but it looks like there’s a typo in the last line of the text wall.
Shouldn’t it be “why not throw in some time travel” (“throw” instead of “through”)?
Coffee … the magical elixir against tiredness and fatigue.
I hope there are no things in the crate endangering Araj and Maeye. That pistol revealed by Oz was bad enough.
Speaking of Oz … could it be this AI is compromised? It seems to be everywhere.
‘Through’ at the end of the first panel should be ‘throw’ 🙂
Um. Panel4 should be Past time. Not passed time.
Hate to be ‘that guy’ but ‘Past time’ makes more sense in this case.
[i]What does past time mean? When something is past time, it means it should have been done before now. A similar phrase is the phrase past due.
It is past time that we go get some pizza.
It is past time to turn in your report.[/i]
That’s what Joe was saying
That’s completely on me, I read it wrong, English sucks
Yes, yes it does 🙂
But ah had to re-read the text a few times as well, and your post helped 🙂
No, I misread the comment. In my defence, the text had already been changed by the time I saw it and that confused me a bit…a bit more than usual… pro tip kids: never post on only one coffee.
Thanks guys.
Does the recap make sense?
Yups, even filled in a few things not previously mentioned (or… maybe simply forgot 🙁 )
“Programmes Get yer programmes here !!!
Can’t tell a knight from a Maeye without a PROGRAMME !!!”
Should it not be “horde” instead of “hoard”? (sorry…)
But thanks for the recap!
Honestly, we’ve seen that typo so many times it would make perfect sense if this horde of demons had been co-opted by a dragon who considers them part of her hoard *^_^
But yes, “horde” as in a bunch of dangerous people with limited structure, not “hoard” as in a large coveted collection.
Depends on who whored out the hoary horde to steal the hoard. 😉
Fully believe that Feori‘s spellchecker is sentient… and an arsehole 😛
Aren’t all spellcheckers sentient arseholes?
They always seem to re-interpret words in the worst possible context.
That’s why I never use a spellchecker…fuck ’em, if it was hard to write it should be hard to read 😉