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Arayanna: Sir Syril, I am very glad you decided to join us.
Sir Syril: You sound like you were unsure that I would.
Arayanna: Well, to be honest, I was not sure how you felt about us. We do have a tendency to violate your laws concerning magic use on a fairly regular basis.
Sir Syril: My lady, most of my time as Vridhan Knight I have served here in Bentl. I fully understand that the bond between Porro and Porran is, shall we say, unnatural?
Sir Syril: But, the Porro and the Porran have been accepted by the Knight's council.

Sir Syril: Over time, I came to understand that this acceptance is most likely because the Porran make the greatest war horses, and a Knight is not truly a Knight without one.
Sir Syril: This is Bar'tan. We have been together for many many years.
Arayanna: He is beautiful.
Sir Syril: Yes. Strong, wise, and a true friend.

Sir Syril: So, it has occurred to me that not all magic can be evil, and therefore not all magic users are evil.
Sir Syril: A knife is only a knife until someone turns it on another. Only then does it become a weapon.
Arayanna: Very wise words. Would that all of your brothers would agree with you.
Sir Syril: Showing the value while controlling the danger – that is how we will change minds.
Sir Syril: But make no mistake, I will not tolerate any use of magic will ill intent.
Arayanna: A fair warning. Thank you.

Arayanna: Who's turn is it to cook dinner?
Sir Syril: I believe it is Maeye's.
Nihklas: Oh. In that case I think I'll just have leftovers.
Kraghen: Aye, I think I have some stale jerky around here somewhere.
Maeye: Hey!!

Maeye: We've been wondering around in the wilderness for almost a week now. Do we even know where we are going?
Arayanna: I am not completely sure. But I feel like something is guiding me...or drawing me...or...
Maeye: Well I hope we find whatever it is before you freeze that pretty little ass off.
Arayanna: If you are worried about that, then get in here and warm it up, my little fireball.
Maeye: As you wish, m'lady.

Maeye: Something is wrong.
Maeye: Something is coming.

Arayanna: Everyone to arms!