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Arayanna: A new top, eh?
Maeye: Yea, the last one didn't make it.
Arayanna: I see you have some new clothes as well. Nice boots.
Maeye: Thank you. We found loads of stuff stashed in this place. Clothes, food, weapons, money... even horses. There's a stable and everything down here.
Arayanna: Where is Tahr? Was he killed?
Maeye: No. Gus and Ryder have him tied up and locked up.
Maeye: We haven't heard a peep out of him except to ask for water.

Arayanna: And his staff? Where is that?
Maeye: Ummm... not sure. I think Gus has it. You think it is important?
Arayanna: Yes. Yes I do.
Gus: Maeye? Arayanna? Could I speak with you for a moment?
Maeye: It's Gus. Should I tell him to go away?
Arayanna: No. It is alright. I trust him.

Gus: Thank you, Maeye.
Gus: Lady Arayanna, how do you fare?
Arayanna: Well enough. And you?
Gus: I am still on the right side of the grass, thanks to you.
Arayanna: Are you looking for something?
Gus: Yes, actually. I am looking for another way out of this room.
Gus: Perfect.

Arayanna: Gus, what is going on?
Gus: Arayanna, please know that I am truly sorry when I say this, but I think it would be best if we parted ways. At least for now.
Maeye: What? What the hell are yoo talking about?
Arayanna: Easy, Maeye. Let him speak.
Gus: You saved my life, Arayanna, and I will be forever grateful. But, you did it with sorcery. Powerful sorcery. And there were several witnesses.
Gus: Lady Mi'yalla... her father is the Count. He is rhe keeper and enforcer of law in this region. He will demand your life.

Gus: And he will take it if he has the chance.
Gus: Ryder and I, we are his sworn men, It is our duty to bring you to justice...
Maeye: You ungrateful bastard!
Arayanna: Maeye!! Stop it!! Peace girl!!
Arayanna: If Gus meant us harm he would not be here alone and unarmed.

Gus: She is right, Maeye. I mean you no ill will.
Arayanna: Good Sir Gus, what is it that you wish to propose.
Gus: You escape.
Gus: Take this tunnel and sneak out of the compound. I will keep Mi'yalla and the others busy and Ryder will meet you outside with horses and provisions.
Gus: But you must go quickly. The others cannot know that we have spoken.
Arayanna: Thank you, Gus. It was an honor to drink and fight with you.
Gus: Take care of yourself, Arayanna, and that little fireball too.
Arayanna: I will. And I hope we meet again someday.
Gus: As do I.

Gus: Safe travels to you both.
Arayanna: And to you, my friend.
Maeye: Take care pf Pretah and Nori for me, even though Pretah doesn't deserve it. That ungrateful bi...
Gus: I will return your family safely to your people, Maeye. You can count on that. Now go, and farewell.