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Caption: Three weeks later...

3 Weeks Later
Sansraen: It's so beautiful out here. I wish we had time for me to stop and paint this forest.
Killian: Aya, m'lady. But if we stopped every time you wanted to paint something, well, we'd just be standing still.
Sansraen: So true, Killian. So true.

Sansraen: Do you think we have much farther to travel.
Killian: Maybe one or two more days, m'lady.
Killian: Do you weary of the travel?
Sansraen: Weary, no. It's just...
Sansraen: I...I...
Sansraen: I am so full of mixed emotions. I am excited to see the children. I have not seen my niece and nephew since they were babies.
Sansraen: But then my brother. Dead so suddenly. My dear brother.
Killian: I am sorry m'lady. Where you close, you and your brother?

Sansraen: Not for many years, but...
Killian: Apologies m'lady. Be quiet please.
Sansraen: Is something wrong?
Killian: Aye.

Zenlan: Ah! Travelers. Welcome to the Blue Heron. I am Zenlan Lo'Sot, the proprietor.
Nihklas: Hello. I am Nihklas and this is my companion, Kraghen.
Zenlan: Welcome, welcome. Are you here to celebrate the New Year? Feasting Day is but a few days off.
Nihklas: No, we are here to meet someone.
Zenlan: Aye, Who were you intending to meet?
Nihklas: A young lady by the name of Sansraen.
Zenlan: I am sorry, that name is not familiar to me.
Nihklas: That is alright. I thought she would arrive before us, but we can wait.
Nihklas: We'll take two rooms, please.

Kraghen: Also, I have a letter for you.
Zenlan: Really? From whom?
Kraghen: A little spitefire named Maeye.
Zenlan: Maeye?! Spitefire indeed! How is she? How is Arayanna?
Nihklas: They are both doing well.
Zenlan: That is good to hear.
Zenlan: Thank you for this.

Zenlan: Well, take any two rooms upstairs you like. I'll get to cooking and have supper ready shortly.
Nihklas: Thank you.
Dear Zenlan,

I hope this letter finds you well. Things are going great
with me and Aray. We do still seem to get into trouble
pretty much all the time, but we have a beautiful little house
on the lake near the Red Barrell and we are very happy
together. Oh my gods the whiskey is good at the Red Barrell!
I promise to bring you some when we come visit.

Be good to the boys, Krag and Nihklas. Krag is a grouchy
old grump, but they are good people. They are family.

Aray and I are still hoping to come visit when it
is time to meet up with Gus and Ryder. Until then,
kisses to all! We miss you.

If you need a hug or a good whiskey or both, you
can find us at the Red Barrel.

Your Friend,

Caption: Later that evening...

Nihklas: This is fine fair, Zenlan. Thank you.
Zenlan: Thank you, good sir. I am glad you are enjoying it.
Kraghen: So Maeye and Arayanna stayed here some time back?
Zenlan: Oh yes. That's quite the story.
Zenlan: They came in on a terrible, stormy night.
Zenlan: Soaked to the bone, they were, like a pair of half-drowned squirrels, and weary as...

Killian: Help...
Zenlan: By the gods!